donderdag 6 mei 2010

Advertisements on Hyves

The development of the world wide web can be noticed by the increasing interest in social network sites, for example Hyves, Twitter and Facebook. Internet users are more interested in social network sites than ever before. Because of this development, social network websites, for example Hyves, can be used by companies for advertisements and commercial intentions. It is an effective and easy method to reach the target group and to gain attention.

Hyves is a social networking system that is more and more used by internet users in the Netherlands. Due to the massive use of this website, there is an opportunity for companies for advertisement of their business.

There are different parts of the website that can be used by companies for their advertisements. First, “bannering” is used, a particular part of the website will be used for promotional activities or advertisements. Secondly, “email marketing” can be used by companies to send advertising messages by email. This leads to an insightful overview of the users and the needs of the target group. Third, advertorials, this is an advertisement that is included in a different text, for example an article.

An example of an advertisement of the homepage of Hyves:

While clicking on this banner, a new webpage opens and the user will find more information about the company (Pepsi) on that webpage:

Pepsi introduced a game to gain more attention. A reward can be achieved while playing te game, the user can win a Flip Side HD video camera. It is also possible to add Pepsi to the gadgets of the Hyves menu. This will gain more branding for Pepsi and the user is associated with Pepsi. Furthermore, there is a Pepsi Hyve and the users are able to add Pepsi to their Hyves. Pepsi is a progressive company and they developed their social media aspects during the last year.
Social network sites like Hyves will be more and more important for companies for their advertisement in the future. A large amount of people in the Netherlands can be reached while using advertisements on Hyves.


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